Practical Traveling Tips for Expectant MomsYour pregnancy should not be an excuse for you to hibernate, cocoon yourself, and avoid trips. Yes, your health and the health of your baby is your number one priority when you’re pregnant, but as long as you have a healthy pregnancy and unless your doctor advises against it, you definitely can travel. Just see to it that you schedule your trip between 18 and 24 weeks of your pregnancy as it is the safest time for you and your baby since chances of having miscarriage are almost down to zero.

Again, safety is your number one priority when traveling pregnant, so to make sure your trip is pleasurable and less cumbersome, here are some things to keep in mind whether you’re traveling by land, sea, or air:

Know Important Dates Related to Your Pregnancy
Write down in a notebook you always carry with you all the dates and numbers related to your pregnancy. Age of gestation, last menstrual period, last check-up with your doctor, expected date of delivery – all these should be taken down along with the contact details of the person that need to be notified in the event of an emergency. Make sure you write down the complete addresses of the following as well:

  • Residence
  • Place of work
  • Individuals to contact in case of emergency
  • Clinic of your obstetrician
  • Hospital where you intend to deliver

Keep a Record of Your Medical History
Make sure you are familiar with your medical history, especially if you have developed some kind of allergic reaction to food and medication just recently. Jot down all important information along with the current medication you are taking for future reference. In the same manner, see to it that you buy enough medicine for the duration of your trip. It may not be the case generally, but you want to be sure in case the medication you are taking are not available in the place you’re going to. This is especially crucial if you’re flying out of the country.

Familiarize Yourself with Your Destination
In case you will need emergent care, is the place you are visiting near a hospital or a clinic at least? Is the hospital equipped with facilities necessary for your particular needs? Does the hospital have competent doctors available? Make sure the answer to these questions are all yes.

Consult Your Doctor About Your Travel Plans
Have a prenatal check-up days or even weeks before your trip. This will let your doctor assess your fitness for travel. Take this opportunity to ask your doctor what precautions are needed as well, and what drugs are safe for you to take in case you experience travel-related illnesses.

Never Ignore Symptoms
Symptoms like abdominal pain, chest pain, excessive vomiting, painful urination, and chills and fever should be reported immediately to your doctor. They may be warning signals of pregnancy complications. Other symptoms you should never ignore include:

  • Seizures
  • Swollen/painful leg
  • Shortness of breath
  • Absence of fetal movement
  • Vaginal bleeding
  • Excessive lower leg edema
  • Excessive weight gain

Additional Tips

  • Prioritize travel time for toilet breaks when traveling by car
  • Wear a seatbelt at all times when traveling by car or by plane
  • Never strap the seat belt across the belly. A sudden and intense jolt might cause the placenta to separate from the fetus.
  • Drink lots of water before and during flight.
  • Avoid consuming carbonated drinks.
  • Try to get up and walk around to stretch legs every hour.
  • Take with you a travel pillow for a more comfortable journey.
  • Pack your own snacks consisting of fresh fruits, fiber bars, nuts, and other non-perishable food items.
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